CIS-18 Security Controls

CIS-18 v8.1 Security Controls

Strengthen Your Cybersecurity with CIS 18 v8.1 security controls

In today’s higly digital landscape, cybersecurity is essential. Organizations are increasingly turning to secure frameworks that can ensure robust security measures. Tech Chapter is here to help you navigate, implement and maintain the CIS 18 Critical Security Controls, a proven framework designed to protect your organization from the most common and dangerous cyber attacks.

What is CIS 18 v8.1?

CIS 18 is a set of best practices developed by the Center for Internet Security. These 18 controls are designed to help organizations improve their cybersecurity by providing a prioritized, highly focused set of actions. The goal is to create a framework that can prevent the most common and most damaging cyber attacks.

The 18 controls are as follws:

  1. Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets
  2. Inventory and Control of Software Assets
  3. Data Protection
  4. Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software
  5. Account Management
  6. Access Control Management
  7. Continuous Vulnerability Management
  8. Audit Log Management
  9. Email and Web Browser Protections
  10. Malware Defenses
  11. Data Recovery
  12. Network Infrastructure Management
  13. Network Monitoring and Defenses
  14. Security Awareness and Skills Training
  15. Service Provider Management
  16. Application Software Security
  17. Incident Response Management
  18. Penetration Testing

Each control represents a critical aspect of cybersecurity, from asset management and secure configurations to incident response and penetration testing.

Understanding Implementation Groups (IGs)

CIS 18 is designed to be implemented to organizations of different sizes and maturity levels. To achieve this, the controls are organized into three Implementation Groups (IGs):

IG1 (Implementation Group 1)

For Small to Medium-Sized Organizations

  • Scope: This group is aimed at small to medium-sized organizations with limited IT and cybersecurity resources.
  • Focus: The controls in IG1 are designed to defend against common and easily executable threats. They provide ’essential cyber hygiene’ which any organization can achieve with limited resources.
  • Controls: These controls are the foundational steps every organization should implement. It include practices like inventory and control of hardware and software assets, to continuous vulnerability management and controlled use of administrative privileges.

IG2 (Implementation Group 2)

For Medium-Sized Organizations

  • Scope: IG2 is targeted at medium-sized organizations that have more complex IT infrastructures and maybe a higher level of cyber risk.
  • Focus: The controls here build on those in IG1 but introduce more measures to handle more sophisticated threats. Organizations in IG2 usually have a dedicated IT staff with some cybersecurity expertise.
  • Controls: IG2 controls include advanced measures like secure configuration for hardware and software, to audit log management and enhanced email and web browser protections.

IG3 (Implementation Group 3)

For Large Organizations

  • Scope: This group is designed for large organizations with dedicated cybersecurity programs and substantial IT resources.
  • Focus: IG3 controls address highly sophisticated threats and advanced persistent threats (APTs). Organizations in this group are typically subject to regulatory requirements where successful attacks can cause significant harm to the public welfare.
  • Controls: These controls include all measures from IG1 and IG2, along with additional practices like application software security, penetration testing, and comprehensive incident response management.

Why is CIS 18 important for your business

Implementing CIS 18 is crucial for businesses aiming to safeguard their operations from cyber threats. Here are a few reasons why:

Comprehensive Coverage CIS 18 covers a broad spectrum of security measures, ensuring that all critical areas are addressed.

Prioritized Actions The controls are prioritized, allowing organizations to focus on the most critical areas first, thereby optimizing their resources and efforts.

Regulatory Compliance Adhering to CIS 18 helps organizations meet various regulatory and compliance requirements, reducing the risk of fines and legal issues.

Improved Security Posture By following these best practices, organizations can significantly enhance their overall security posture, making it harder for attackers to breach their defenses.

How Can Tech Chapter Assist with CIS 18 v8.1?

At Tech Chapter, we specialize in helping organizations implement and maintain robust cybersecurity measures. Here’s how we can assist with CIS 18 IG1, IG2 and IG3:

Security Review Our experts conduct thorough security reviews to identify gaps in your current security measures. We then provide a detailed rapport and a clear roadmap to address these gaps, aligning with CIS 18.

Implementation Support We offer comprehensive support for implementing the CIS 18 controls. Our team works closely with your organization to ensure each control is effectively integrated into your existing processes and systems,

Training and Awareneess We believe in giving your team the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain a strong security defense. We offer tailored training programs to enhance your organization’s understanding and capabilities regarding cybersecurity best practices.

Contact us

Looking to enhance your cybersecurity defenses with CIS 18 v8.1? Tech Chapter is here to assist you, whether you are looking for IG1, IG2 or IG3, we are here to support every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our CIS 18 expertise and how we can help protect your organization from cyber threats.